Magazinartikel und Anwenderberichte

People in the working world face a variety of challenges, from achieving their business goals to leading teams to collaborating with colleagues. They’d like to both climb the ranks at work and enjoy their private time at home – not so easy! Combining work and home life can be particularly challenging, with the demands and pressures of work increasing all the time.

If you’d like to increase your achievement potential at work, resolve difficult situations with colleagues, or realize project goals more efficiently, Munich International Coaching can provide you with professional support.

  • - You’ve found yourself in a leadership position for the first time and are looking for a leadership style that is consistent with your personality
  • - You wish to improve your communication skills
  • - You are trying to utilize and solve conflicts with your colleagues and/or superiors and/or associates
  • - You’d like to improve your life-balance
  • - You’d like to improve the work climate at your firm and/or on your team
  • - You wish to understand yourself better and to discover how your intercultural environment works
  • - After a professional break (parental leave or sabbatical) you wish to prepare your come back in a professional way
  • - You’d like to reorient yourself in a new direction – career-wise

Munich International Coaching also offers a professional support in career-topics: writing a persuasive CV and preparing for successful job interviews.

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Munich International Coaching, Baubergerstr. 16, 80992 München, Germany
Tel.: +49/89/120 22 652, Mobil: +49/170/56 30 797, MAIL